Piers Cawley delves into the epic Topic Records' collection, The Voice of the People, where you'll delight in the "crackle, hiss, wow and flutter" of these glorious old recordings.
Joined16 December 2021
Piers Cawley is a singer and champion of unaccompanied song. He runs Song Swaps on Youtube most Friday nights, 8pm, inviting guests for a live singaround and chat before a live, online audience. Click here to visit and subscribe to his channel .
Piers Cawley takes a listen to "Last Wisps of the Old Ways: North Carolina Mountain Singing" and finds an intriguing, if slightly frustrating, collection.
Piers Cawley is known for unaccompanied singing, especially on his Youtube channel, where he sings most Friday evenings at 8pm. In this article, he imparts all the knowledge he's come by over the years, and gets one or two folkie friends to share their secrets, too.