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A maypole against a blue sky, used as the logo for the Tradfolk.co website

Add your events to the Tradfolk Events Calendar – for free!

Looking for a place to list your traditional folk event? Why not list it on the Tradfolk Events Calendar? It's free!

From all around the folk scene we’re hearing about gigs and festivals being cancelled. While a number of websites and publications offering listings remain, artists and organisers constantly tell us that they feel the number of places to post their folk events is dwindling. The scene is struggling. Times are indeed hard.

While we can’t claim to have the answer, we can at least bring your attention to the existence of the Tradfolk Events Calendar. On a weekly basis, our gigs database goes out to our newsletter subscribers, as well as being featured on Google’s events listings. It’s constantly one of the most visited part of our website, and it has proved to be a useful way to get the word out. We get regular feedback from artists and organisers alike telling us that their event inclusion led to people attending.

What’s more, it’s free! While we welcome donations (support Tradfolk here), we don’t charge artists or organisers to list their gigs, club nights, folk art shows, festivals, etc. We understand that things are tight enough already.

All we ask is that you remember that we support arts that have been directly influenced by the tradition (read of our About Tradfolk page for more info on what we mean by that). This means that we’re unlikely to promote straightforward singer-songwriter events – there are other websites that do that in abundance – and we tend to focus on events in the UK, simply because that’s where we (and the vast majority of our audience) are based.

We reserve the right to select which events we do or don’t list. Please understand that we are a very small team and that we can’t reply to every email we receive (apologies if you’ve written in and had no reply).

To get started, simply fill out our events form via the button below!