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The Harrison pub in Kings Cross, home to a large part of London's folk scene.

Help save the Harrison

One of London's favourite folk venues is under threat. An appeal has been launched to help keep the doors of The Harrison open. Get involved.

The Harrison, a beloved pub and music venue in London’s Kings Cross, is facing an uncertain future after receiving a court arbitration judgement ordering them to pay their landlord the full rent for the entire COVID-19 period, totalling £99,000. This includes the time they were closed during lockdown, and as a sole trader, the judgement bankrupts the owner personally and deprives the staff of their livelihoods.

The Harrison has been a fixture in the London community for 18 years, serving delicious food and drink, and hosting intimate folk and roots concerts. The staff is a close-knit family, with many employees having worked at the establishment for over a decade.

The judgement has been met with shock and disbelief. The owner, Paul Michelmore, has written that it contains numerous errors, ignores evidence, and reaches unsubstantiated conclusions. He has called the competence and independence of the arbitrator into question.

To save The Harrison and everything they have built over the past 18 years, the owner plans to appeal the judgement, which will cost over £15,000 in legal fees. While the establishment has survived the pandemic and is now trading well, they are still paying off sizable debts.

The pub is now turning to their customers and friends, old and new, to help save The Harrison. The community is being asked to contribute to the appeal fund to help overturn the devastating judgement and ensure the future of this beloved establishment.

The Harrison is more than just a pub and music venue; it’s a vital part of the community, and its loss would be felt by many. The owner and staff are grateful for any support given and hope to continue serving the finest food, drink, and hosting amazing concerts for years to come.

The Harrison Collection Pot appeal is open until April 30th and can be found on this link.