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White Rose Morris dancing at dawn on May Day, 2011, at Castle Hill in Almondbury - Photo credit Bryony Griffith
White Rose Morris, Castle Hill, Almondbury. Photo credit: Bryony Griffith

May Day Morris: Where to find Morris dancing near me

The Tradfolk Morris Dancing guide is here to help you find your nearest side come rain or shine. Send us your info, share this guide around, and let the Morris commence.

Morris dancing can be seen throughout the year, but most sides hold a special place in their hearts for May Day. For many dancers, it’s bigger than Christmas. To help our uninitiated and tradfolk-curious readers celebrate the summer icumen in, we’ve put together this handy guide to where you might find your nearest Morris dancing event on May Day (that’s Wednesday 1st May), 2024.

If you’re new to the Morris, however, be warned: you’ll have to be up long before the day if you want to catch many of them in action. Oh, and look out for the beasts… they may be on the prowl.

If you’d like to share this guide on your socials, we’re using #MaydayMorris again to spread the word. Help us out, won’t you?

Why does Morris dancing happen at dawn on May Day?

There’s nothing quite like rising before dawn and assembling to dance (or watch others dance) the sun up as May Morning breaks. It seems like the most natural tradition there is. Far from being a tradition that grew out of the mists of time, however, morris historian Michael Heaney writes in his book, The Ancient English Morris Dance, that this is a far more recent occurrence than you might think.

We are dancing for the pleasure of those who have deserved well by rising early…

The connection between morris dancing and the May Day dawn had been,” tenuous at best,” explains Heaney, “and none of the morris teams encountered by Cecil Sharp and enshrined in The Morris Book had danced then.” In fact, dancing the sun up as a formal tradition seems to have begun on May Day, 1923, when the Oxford University branch of the EFDS (now EFDSS) danced through the city streets immediately after the choristers sang from Magdalen College Tower at 6am (itself a 500-year-old tradition). They danced, they said, “as a free gift to the city, in gratitude for the long and lovely survival here of the May Day celebrations… We are dancing for the pleasure of those who have deserved well by rising early, for our own pleasure, and in obedience to the Shakespearean dictum, ‘A morris for May Day’.”

Click to read more info on the history of May Day and other May events.

Where to find Morris dancing near me?

Bampton Morris side - May Day Morris callout
If you're a Morris side and you'd like to contribute details of your May Day dawn dances, please click the link below and fill out the form.
We’ve arranged the May Day Morris events according to country, county, and then town. Scroll down and you’ll find a list of regions. Clicking on the region of your choice will take you to where you want to be on this page.

Can’t find any Morris dancing near you? It’s only because we haven’t been sent the relevant info yet. Morris sides can get in touch via the little black box to the left of this paragraph. We’re very happy to receive new info.

This guide will continue to be populated as we get closer to the big day itself, so bookmark the page and come back if you want to find your nearest dance out.

To get started, click on your local county from the list below.

List of countries and counties

United Kingdom





New Zealand

United States of America

United Kingdom


Hemlock Morris and Golden Hare Morris
Katherine’s Cross
Ampthill Great Park, MK45 2GQ
May 1st, 5.15am
Dance Style: Cotswold
Insta: @goldenharemorris and @hemlock_morris

You’re a bit too late to look for Kit Williams’ Golden Hare in Amptill Park, but you can still find its namesake Morris side dancing the sun up with friends Hemlock Morris. Head up the hill to watch the sun rise, have a little sing and dance yourself, then head down for breakfast at the Queen’s Head pub afterwards. Sounds pretty perfect to us! For more information: www.hemlockmorris.com

Red Cuthbert Morris
Bedford Park
Bedford, MK40 2PF
May 1st, 5:30am
Dance style: Border
Insta: @red_cuthbert_morris

Red Cuthbert Morris will be up early for a dance on May Morning. Donations are welcome if you join them, and they’re keen to show newcomers how Border Morris dancing is done. You’ll have to wait a while for the cafe to open though… See their Facebook event for more information.


New Moon Morris
Pitstone Hill
Ivinghoe, HP23 5RZ
May 1st, 5am
Dance style: Other
Insta: @new.moonmorris

New Moon Morris have been dancing the sun up and the sun down for as long as they have been established on Pitstone Hill – a wonderful position nestled in the beautiful Chiltern Hills and part of the ancient Ridgeway. It can be a bit tricky to find though, just off the B448. They tell us that, in the past few years, more and more locals have been venturing up the hill and audience participation is actively encouraged. Join them! See the Facebook event for more information.

Owlswick Morris
Stowe Landscape Garden
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

Owlswick Morris will be dancing the sun up and bringing their fool and his owl along for company. They’ll encourage you to have a go if you fancy it, but won’t be taking donations for the pleasure. For more information: www.owlswickmorris.org


Sutton Masque
Stonea Camp
March, Fenland
May 1st, 5am
Dane style: Border

Previously a closely guarded secret, Sutton Masque now invite you into the wilds of the Fens to watch them dance up the sun. You won’t miss them – they’ll be the only people for miles around!

Devil’s Dyke Morris Men
Wandlebury Ring
Wandlebury Country Park, Gog Magog Hills, CB22 3AE
May 1st, 5.20am
Dance style: Cotswold

Head out into the morning mist on Wandlebury Common in search of Devil’s Dyke, who dance up the sun on the same spot every year. Follow the sound of bells, and you’re sure of a warm welcome, however chilly the morning might be. For more info: devilsdykemm.org.uk

Ely & Littleport Riot and Coton Morris
Ely Cathedral
Ely, CB7 4DL
May 1st, 5.20am
Dance style: Border and Cotswold
Insta: @elyandlittleportriot / @the_coton_morris

Head to the West Door of Ely’s impressive cathedral to find The Riot and Coton doing their best to bring up the sun over the Fens. They welcome onlookers with open hankies (they’re so welcoming that you might never leave…Ed.), and there’s the chance to have a go if you fancy it. For more info: elriotblog.wordpress.com

Peterborough Morris
Old Customs House
Peterborough PE1 1EG
May 1st, 5.25am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @peterborough_morris

Set your alarms and head to the banks of the River Nene in Peterborough (parking available in nearby the Riverside Car Park) to see Peterborough Morris celebrate the arrival of summer. Donations are welcomed. For more info: peterboroughmorris.co.uk

Fenstanton Morris
The Clock Tower,
Fenstanton, PE28 9LH
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @fenstantonmorris

Set your alarm and head into the middle of Fenstanton to watch the sun rise into the fen sky with Fenstanton Morris! You’ll be encouraged to give the dancing a try, but they’ll accept donations in lieu of participation (or as well!). For more information: facebook.com/FenstantonMorris


Wreckers Border Morris
Atop Kit Hill
Tamar Valley, PL17 8AX
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Border
Insta: @wreckersbordermorris

Clamber up Kit Hill just before day breaks for fine views of the surrounding landscape, and to see Wreckers Border Morris dancing like it matters – let’s hope they can bring the sun up over the Devon border. They’re a busy bunch, and always on the lookout for new dancers and musicians, so have a chat if you’ve ever fancied giving it a go. We’ve heard they don’t get much of an audience up there at early o’clock, so come on Tradfolkers, get your sense of adventure ready and get climbing! For more information: wreckersmorris.co.uk

Pensans Morris
Battery Rocks
Penzance, TR18 4FF
May 1st, 5.45am
Dance style: Border
Insta: @pensansmorris

Join Pensans Morris to welcome in the summer while they perform during the sunrise over Mount’s Bay. Catch the first light of May with them while most people are still sleeping! They’ll encourage you to have a go at the dancing if you like, and gladly accept donations on the day. For more information: Facebook event

Tatters Morris and The WAD
Atop Carn Brea
May 2nd, 5.40am
Dance style: Border

Your eyes aren’t deceiving you – these two sides really are dancing the sun up on May 2nd. After dancing up the sun, they’ll weave their way down the hill, dance at St Euny well and church, then round the Maypole at Fairfield Amphitheater before a final spot outside the Regal cinema in Redruth. Everyone is welcome, though bear in mind that the path from the Carn is steep and tricky. There’s a road to the castle too, and you can join at any time or point in the journey. A cream tea breakfast follows proceedings! For more information: tattersmorris.co.uk

Tywardreath Morris
Royal Inn,
May 1st, 8pm
Dance style: Cotswold

Tywardreath Morris are being let loose for the summer and will make a good start with an evening of dancing at The Royal. If you’re still awake after your dawn wake-up call, this is sure to be a pleasant way to pass an evening.


Powderkegs Morris
Windgather Rocks
High Peak, SK23 7RF
May 1st, 5:15am
Dance style: Border
Insta: @powderkeg_morris

Powderkegs Morris are a mixed side dancing traditional and evolved Border Morris around the Peak District. They’ll be dancing up the sun at Windgather Rocks (so wear something warm) near Whaley Bridge. After about an hour of hopping, they’ll finish with a song before retreating somewhere warm. We’ve heard the scenery is breathtaking so worth the early start. For more information: powderkegs.co.uk

Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris
Eccles Pike
High Peak, SK23 6BY
May 1st, 5:30am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @chapelenlefrithmorris

Chapel-en-le-Frith Morris have been dancing up the sun on Eccles Pike (1,210 ft above sea level) on May Morning since 1993, although they’ve been Cotswold Morris dancing in and around the Peak District since 1975. Since day one (see the video below), they’ve been doing so in the company of the sturdily-named beast, Stanley the Bull. Get along at 5:30am and watch them dance the sun up… with fabulous views of the surrounding countryside. Dress appropriately for all weathers and a bit of a steep climb. See their Facebook event for more information.


Dartmoor Border Morris
Leeden Tor
May 1st, 5:15am
Dance style: Border

Dartmoor Border Morris (Best Supporting Dancers in the Black Farmer TV ad – see below) are looking forward to May Day dancing in a car park (hallowed turf for modern Morris dancers) on the B3212, the Princetown to Yelverton Road, regardless of the weather. It’ll definitely be dark and it might be cold, so dress appropriately and bring a torch. Onlookers are encouraged to have a go, but the side tell us that Fox Tor Cafe in Princetown will be serving breakfast from 6am, so if the early morning dancing isn’t your thing, there’s something for you to join in with there instead! Their beast, Chatterley, will be joining the fun too. For more info: dartmoorbordermorris.com

Plymouth Morris
The Hoe Promenade (above Smeaton’s Tower)
Plymouth Hoe, Plymouth PL1 2PA
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

Plymouth Morris will be in their usual spot above Smeaton’s Tower on the Hoe, resplendent in their distinctive kit – look out for the galleon in full sail on their tabards (no baldricks here), their Petty Officer-style hats, and their unusual dark blue wavers (that’s hankies to you and me). You’ll be in fine company if you join them as the Lord Mayor is often in attendance! Later in the day, at 7.30pm, you’ll find them starting their summer dance out programme outside The Dolphin pub. For more information, see the Facebook event.

Dartington Morris
Totnes Castle
Castle St, Totnes, TQ9 5NU
May 1st, 5:40am (no entry fee at this time)
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @dartingtonmorris

Dartington Morris dance the sun up on May Day in the splendid Norman keep of Totnes Castle (with the kind permission of English Heritage). They welcome spectators, who can watch over proceedings from the top of the castle walls, which also offer lovely views across the rooftops to the River Dart. It’s an energetic climb up the castle hill and keep steps, so do pop on some sturdy footwear for the occasion. No beasts have been reported in the vicinity (though a fool or two may be in attendance) and donations are accepted. For more information: dartingtonmorris.uk

Dartington Morris in Totnes Castle, post-sunrise

Wessex Morris Men
Cerne Giant
Cerne Abbas, DT2 7AL
May 1st, 5.15am
Dance style: Cotswold

Since 1957, the Wessex Morris Men have been putting on a show in Dorset, accompanied by their beast, the Dorset Ooser. As locations go, they’ve picked a top spot to see the sun rise, so why not head up and enjoy it with them? Park at the Cerne Abbas Village Hall and climb the hill until you find them. You’ll have done your exercise for the day before 6am! Afterwards, they’ll head back down into the village, process along Duck Street and Long Street before dancing in front of the Royal Oak, where bacon baps are usually on sale. For more information: www.wessexmorrismen.co.uk

East Sussex

Brighton Morris Men and Cuckoo’s Nest Morris
Hollingbury Hill Fort
Ditchling Rd, Brighton, BN1 8GB
May 1st, 4:30am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @brighton_morris

Brighton Morris and sister side Cuckoo’s Nest will be up long before the day-o. Get yourself along to the bridle path on Ditchling Road for the ungodly hour of 4.15am, before ascending the hill for some quality Cotswold Morris time. As the sun rises, they’ll dance around the hill fort before heading back to Brighton for a big breakfast, and then further dances around the city. No beasts in attendance, and donations are welcomed. For more information, see the Facebook event.

Ashdown Forest Morris Men
Enchanted Place
Gills Lap, Ashdown Forest
Hartfield, TN22 3JD
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

OK, so obviously there’s no competitive nature to this May Day Morris list, but Ashdown Forest Morris Men win a lot of location points for seeing in the dawn in Winnie the Pooh world. Best be on the look out for heffalumps as you join the morris by the A.A Milne dedication, where no other beasts or participation are expected, but where donations are welcome. For more information: AFMM Facebook Page

Long Man Morris Men
The Long Man of Wilmington (Wilmington Giant)
South Downs Way, Eastbourne, BN26 5SW
May 1st, 5:30am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @longmanmm

The Long Man Morris Men have been dancing at the foot of the Long Man of Wilmington for many years. Can you imagine a more spellbinding sight than seeing these dancers perform for that giant, chalk hill figure as it looms from the morning dusk? Who needs beasts when you’ve got that in front of you? Donations are welcome and the side is happy to show newcomers the ropes. For more information: longman.org.uk


Maldon Greenjackets
Promenade Park
May 1st, 5.15am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @maldongreenjackets

The Greenjackets will be kicking off their dancing year at The Prom as they have done since 1988. You’ll find them next to the river by the kiosks. For more information: www.maldonmorris.org

Alive and Kicking Morris Clog, AnnieMation Morris Clog and Dark Horse Morris
Hythe Quay
Maldon CM9 5HN
May 1st, 7.30pm
Dance style: North West and Border

Not to be left out (but also, not to get out of bed early…), Maldon’s other sides will be heading down to the Quay for some evening dancing on May Day. A great chance to compare two very different Morris styles! For more information: facebook.com/aliveandkickingmaldon

Chingford Morrismen
The Warren Wood
Buckhurst Hill
May 1st, 8pm
Dance style: Cotswold

If the early morning May Day tradition isn’t for you, and you’re not in Maldon, Chingford Morrismen have got you covered by dancing in the evening instead. Their ram, Golden Balls, might put in an appearance, and after Warren Wood, they’ll be heading to The Woodbine in Waltham Abbey to dance again at 8.45pm. For more information: http://filk.co.uk/chingford


Border Reivers Morris
Queen’s Park Flagpole
May 1st, 5:15am
Dance style: Border
Insta: @border_reivers_morris

Border Reivers Morris are dancing in the heart of Glasgow and hoping, as usual, that they’ll be able to make the sun rise and persuade the crops grow across the whole of Scotland. For more information: facebook.com/Borderreiversmorris


Forest of Dean Morris and Lassington Oak
May Hill
Longhope, GL17 0RF
May 1st, 5.00am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @fod_morris

Head up the appropriately named May Hill to find FOD Morris dancing the sun up with friends Lassington Oak. We think they might be the only side on this list bringing a beast with its own instagram account! Catch Bobbin the Buck and have a go at some dancing while you’re up there. It’ll be worth the climb. For more information: http://www.forestmorris.org.uk/

Stroud Morris Dancers, Gloucestershire Morris and Tattered Court Border
Painswick Beacon
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

If you go up to the Painswick Beacon, you’re in for a big surprise… Unless the reason you’re there is to see Stroud Morris dance up the sun on May morning, in which case you’ll find nothing out of the ordinary. They’ve been dancing for over 40 years! Not non-stop, we hasten to add… They’ll be with Gloucestershire Morris and Tattered Court Border, plus the Stroud Morris Ram and Gloucestershire Morris’s Horse, at the top of the hill near the benchmark. Head up and show your support. For more info: https://www.stroudmorris.org.uk

Boss Morris and Miserden Morris
Prince Albert Inn
Rodborough Hill, Stroud
May 1st, 6am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @boss.morris

Fresh from dipping their collective fingers in the local spring, Boss Morris and their Jacky in the Green will be joined by their good friends, Miserden Morris, and gather at the Prince Albert Inn at 6am for singing and dancing. Any stray morris dancers who wish to join the festivities will also be most welcome! The pub will be open for breakfast and “all sorts” from 6am. See their Facebook page for more information.


Red Stags Morris and King John’s Morris
Southampton, SO14 2DJ
May 1st, 5am
Dance style: Border and Cotswold

See in the month of May by the Grade I listed medieval gatehouse into the old city. Two morris sides will entertain you, though no beasts have been reported in the area. No donations are sought, but you might be offered the chance to have a go if you’re feeling energetic. See their Faceboook event for more information.

Victory Morris
The Spur Redoubt
Portsmouth, PO5 3XX
May 1st, 5.10am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @victory_morris

Victory Morris will be at home in Portsmouth to dance up the sun at The Spur Redoubt. The Spur Redoubt was the site from which Nelson headed off to board the Victory on his way to the Battle of Trafalgar, so it’s the perfect place for the ship’s namesake dancers to do their thing. Donations are very welcome, and they promise you won’t even have to join in. For more information: victorymorrismen.org.uk

Yateley Morris Men
Wyndham’s Pool
Yateley, GU46 6BE
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

Yateley Morris Men dance for about half an hour each May morning, and encourage you to join them, either as merely spectators, or with the purpose of having a go yourself, before they finish with a song. They’ll be joined by the “Famous Yateley Horse”. If you’d like to be there, head to Cricket Hill and walk from there. For more information: www.yateleymorrismen.org.uk

Hook Eagle Morris
The Shack
London Road, Hook, RG27 9EH
May 1st, 5:32am
Dance style: Border

Hook Eagle Morris are continuing their long-held tradition of dancing at dawn, which is always at 05:32 in Hook, apparently. Watch as they dodge the (non-existent) traffic on the A30, which very conveniently runs East to West for that perfect sunrise view. Rumour has it that they’ll be bringing liquid refreshment, and that a fab breakfast is available from 6am at the brilliantly old-school transport café. For more information: hookeagle.org.uk


Foxwhelp Morris
Arthur’s Stone
Dorstone, HR3 6AX
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @foxwhelpmorris

Were the indentations in Arthur’s Stone left there when the body of a recently slain giant fell into it? We’ll never know. What we do know, though, is that Foxwhelp Morris will be dancing next to the Neolithic tomb on May Morning. You’ll be encouraged to have a go (at the dancing, not the giant-slaying). For more information: foxwhelpmorris.com


Dead Horse Morris and Broomdashers
Beacon Hill
May 1st, 5am
Dance Style: Various

Dead Horse Morris and the Broomdashers will be starting the day at the foot of Beacon Hill, before moving on to the harbour in Whitstable for more dancing at 6am. For more information: deadhorse.org.uk

East Kent Morris
Wye Memorial Crown
Ashford, TN25 5DF
May 1st, 5:20am
Dance style: Cotswold

East Kent Morris will dance the sun up at 5.20am at the Wye Memorial Crown before dancing in Wye village and later at Perry Court Farm. We’ve heard that their horse, Invicta, is actually considering getting out of the stable in time for May Morning this year! The side would love to see you having a go at some dancing too. Might as well, once you’re up… For more information: ekmm.org.uk

Steampunk Morris
Maidstone Town Centre
May 1st, 5.29am
Dance style: Border

Gather with Steampunk Morris, Motley Morris, Loose Women, and Wolf’s Head and Vixen Morris to bring in the summer in Maidstone. Donations will be accepted in return for their hard work turning the seasons. For more information: Steampunkmorris.godaddysites.com

Motley Morris
Bluebell Hill Picnic Site
Bluebell Hill
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Border

Join Motley Morris up Bluebell Hill to help wake up their Jack. Bring your best cheering voices but no need to bring your dancing shoes. For more information: www.motley-morris.co.uk


Pennyroyal Garland Dancers and Anstey Morris Men
Breedon Hill
May 1st, 5am
Dance style: Garland

A scratch side will be dancing up Breedon Hill on May morning – not everyone wants to get up at that time for a dance! However, later in the day at 6pm, you’ll be able to find a more fulsome side dancing at the Bull and Lion in Packington, processing around the village, and crowning the school’s May queen. There might even be a session in the pub afterwards.


Grimsby Morris
Greenwich Meridian Line (w3w: gossip.bossy.mostly)
Meridian Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 0AR
May 1st, 5.15am
Dance style: Cotswold

Grimbsy Morris have been entertaining the coastal town of Great Grimbsy since 1967. No wonder they’re tired. They’ll be up early on May Day to dance on the Meridian Line in Cleethorpes, hoping to bring up the sun over the Humber Estuary. For more info: grimsbymorris.org.uk

Bourne Borderers
Whitebread Meadow,
Meadow Drove, Bourne, PE10 0AH
May 1st, 5.20am
Dance style: Border

The Bourne Borderers and their Morris pups dancing up the sun on Meadow Drove. If you have a go at the dancing too, you’ll have earned your second breakfast at the ‘Don’t Lose Hope’ café… For more information: bourneborderers.co.uk


Belles of London City and London Pride Morris
Primrose Hill
May 1st, 5:15am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @belles_of_london_city

The Belles of London City will be joining with London Pride to dance up the sun on Primrose Hill this year on May Day. They welcome you to join them – and tell us that greenery and flower crowns are encouraged! So grab your branch of May, head to the top of one of London’s most picturesque peaks, and watch the summer cumen in together. For more information: www.bellesoflondoncity.com or Lpmm.org.uk

Greenwich Morris
Greenwich Park gates
Duke Humphrey Road, Blackheath
May 1st, 5:30am
Dance style: Cotswold

Greenwich Morris are planning a dawn dance on Duke Humphrey Road, Blackheath, just by the gates to Greenwich Park. Then, following breakfast, they’re heading off to dance at the Queen’s Head on Chislehirst High Street. If you’re heading into work on the A2, keep an eyeball hovering over Blackheath and you should spot them. Donations are welcome. No beasts forthcoming on this occasion. For more information: greenwichmorris.org.uk

Greensleeves Morris
Wimbledon Windmill
Wimbledon Common, SW19 5NR
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

They’ve been dancing since 1926 (and don’t they look well on it?!) but Greensleeves Morris still have the energy to bring in the summer at the windmill on Wimbledon Common. Pop along, meet Hengist (if he’s got out of bed in time), and enjoy that London sunrise. No reports of Wombles in the area, but best beware, just in case. For more information: www.greensleevesmorris.org.uk


Mersey Morris Men and Mockbeggar Morris
Bidston Observatory
Wilding Way, Birkenhead
Prenton, CH43 7RA
May 1st. 5:30am
Dance style: Cotswold and North West

The Mersey Morris Men tell us that they love the stillness of the top of Bidston Hill – if you arrive early, you’ll hear the gentle tinkle of bells and hushed voices amongst all the birdsong as they climb up through the woods. There’s the added bonus of spectacular views over Liverpool as the sun rises. Assuming he has arrived back from his long migration, their Liver Bird will also be in attendance, along with friends Mockbeggar Morris dancing in the North West style. For more information: merseymorrismen.com


Holt Ridge Morris
Roman Camp
May 1st, 4.45am
Dance style: Cotswold

The day starts early for Holt Ridge Morris – they start by dancing the sun up on Roman Camp (National Trust woodland area above the town). They then move into Sheringham itself, where they dance in front of The Crown at the seafront, before moiving to the beach area to entertain the dog walkers! Then it’s breakfast at the Plaza Cafe (7.30am) followed by a short tour of changing spots – this year it’s Age Concern (10am) and The Crown in Wells-Next-The-Sea (lunchtime). Their dragon, Spike, won’t be up before the day-o, sadly. For more information, see their Facebook page.

Golden Star Morris and Kemps Men of Norwich
St James’ Hill
Mousehold Heath
May 1st, 5am
Dance style: Cotswold

Golden Star Morris will be starting their May day dancing on St James’ Hill, on Mousehold Heath, and will be joined by Kemps Men of Norwich. Plenty of opportunities to see them leaping, in this, their fifth decade as a dancing side, as once they come down from the hill, they’ll move to the Forum followed by the Cathedral (at about 6am and 7am respectively) before they retire for a well-earned breakfast. Park at the prison and follow the sound of bells! For more information: www.goldenstarmorris.org.uk

Kenninghall Morris
Fair Green
May 1st, 5am
Dance style: Border

Kenninghall Morris are simply dancing up the sun, for fear that it might not rise otherwise. Donations not requested, but come-and-have-a-go-ers welcome. See their Facebook Page for more information.

The King’s Morris
Knight’s Hill
King’s Lynn
May 1st, 5.15am
Dance style: Cotswold

The King’s Morris will be offering any early risers a few dances to bring in the summer. They’ll even let you have a go if you ask nicely. For more information: www.kingsmorris.co.uk


Brackley Morris Men
Brackley Market Square
High St, Brackley, NN13 7DS
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @the_brackley_morris_men

These boys have been dancing on May Morning in this same spot for over 50 years. That’s tradition for you! Donations are welcome, and you’re welcome to shake a leg, an arm or a hankie yourself, should the urge grab you. For more info: thebrackleymorrismen.org.uk


Hexham Morris
Hadrian’s Wall
Henshaw, NE47 7AN
May 1st, 5.20am
Dance style: Cotswold

Get yourselves up to the Steel Rigg car park for a bout of lively dancing next to Hadrian’s Wall. For more info: hexhammorris.com


Rattlejag Morris and Trentside Holme Morris
Castle Hill
Laxton, NG22 0NY
May 1st, 5:20am
Dance style: Plough Morris and Cotswold
Insta: @rattlejag

Rattlejag will be joined by Trentside Holme Morris for their annual May Day dance. They will be welcoming the first sunrise of summer atop Castle Hill – to join them, park in the village of Laxton and follow the footpath north from the main road (not quite opposite the church) to the Mediaeval hill fort. The walk should take you about 20 minutes. As always, they will be providing bacon sandwiches (veggie option available), tea, coffee and beer for a small donation. It doesn’t get much more welcoming than that! See the Facebook event for more information.


Armaleggan Border Morris
Hurst Hill
Oxford, OX2 9PR
May 1st, 4.45am
Dance style: Border
Insta: @ArmalegganBorderMorris

Armaleggan Border Morris meet at the bottom of Hurst Hill at 4.20am, before processing up to the top, singing as they go, carrying the May Staff. An early bird will already have lit the Beltane fire ready for their arrival. They form a circle, recite poems, sing songs, perform the Green Man play, celebrate the sun up, and give thanks. Afterwards, they’ll be heading into Oxford at 7am to join in with the city’s world-famous May Day festivities. A busy schedule! For more info: armaleggan.org

Towersey Horseshoes
The Crossroads
Towersey OX9 3QY
May 1st, 5.20am
Dance style: Cotswold

If you’d rather not head into Oxford with the thronging masses (see below), the spot where Chinor, Thame and Manor Roads meet Church Lane in Towersey will be the site of much merriment, as Towersey Horseshoes celebrate May Day. Launched at Towersey Festival in 2022, the side merges the separate men’s and women’s Morris sides into one unstoppable Super Side. That’s double the sun-dancing-up power… For more info: towerseyhorseshoes.co.uk

Summertown Morris and friends
The Radcliffe
May 1st, 6am
Dance style: Cotswold

The May Morning celebrations in Oxford are famous – thousands of people flock to the city at 6am to hear a chorus of heavenly voices herald the arrival of summer from the top of the Magdalen College tower, after which a whole bunch of morris dancers bring the party straight back down to earth. In addition to Summertown, you’ll most likely be able to catch Oxford City Morris and Oxford University Morris, as well as other sides from across the county. The event can be very busy, with road closures in place, so do plan ahead and watch out for roaming beasts. For more info: Facebook.com/SummertownMorris

Eynsham Morris
The Square
Eynsham, OX29 4HW
May 6th, 11am
Insta: @eynshammorris

Eynsham Morris have a proud tradition stretching back to the 19th century and probably beyond. They only perform dances from the village and all members must live in or have been born in Eynsham to join. This event is their annual village tour, starting at 11am and running into the evening, but they will also be appearing (and dancing) in Oxford on May 1st from 6.00am at the Radcliffe Camera. No beasts expected, per se, but watch out for the Green Man. Donations very welcome. For more information: eynshammorris.org.uk


Rutland Morris
Uppingham Market Place
Oakham, LE15 9QH
May 1st, 5:17am
Dance style: Cotswold

Rutland Morris Men traditionally welcome the dawn on May Morning with dancing (and music of course) in Uppingham Market Place. This is followed by a hearty breakfast at one of the local hostelries. For more info: morrismen.org.uk

Rutland Morris dancing on May Morning, 2019. Photo credit: Sally Harnett
Rutland Morris dancing on May Morning, 2019. Photo credit: Sally Harnett


Kittiwake Border Morris, Molly No-Mates and Rag Morris
Brandon Hill
Park Street, Bristol
May 1st, 4.30am
Dance style: various

There’ll be dancing a-top Brandon Hill by as many Bristol-based sides as can find it in themselves to leap out of bed pre-4am on May morning. Donations will be welcomed and having a go is actively encouraged. For more information: www.facebook.com/kittiwakeborder.

Enigma Border Morris, Treacle Eater Clog and Wyvern Jubilee Morris
Ham Hill
Stoke Sub Hamdon, TA14 6RW
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: various

You can enjoy a veritable morris party up Ham Hill, with not one but three sides in attendance this May day! They’ll be dancing in the lay by usually occupied by the ice cream van, so you’ll probably have to forgo your early morning 99 with a flake. Park in Long View Car Park. For more information: treacleeaterclog.org.uk

The Bounds of Selwood
Rodden Meadow
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @Selwood_Bounds

The Bounds of Selwood will be dancing at Rodden Meadow if you’re a Frome-located folkie. You won’t have to have a go or make a donation.

Glastonbury Border Morris
Chalice Well Gardens
St Edmunds Hall, Windmill Hill, Glastonbury
May 1st, 10am
Dance style: Border
Insta: @glastonburymorris

Join Glastonbury Border Morris and beast Glastinga the Dragon for their Beltane celebrations. You’ll be encouraged to have a go, and/or chuck some coins (or notes if you’re feeling flush) into their donation pot. For more information: linktr.ee/glastonburymorris

Bathampton Morris Men
Bathampton School
Bathampton, BA2 6TQ
May 1st, 7:30pm

An evening home appearance for Bathampton Morris Men, who know they should get up for sunrise but just don’t fancy it! Which is really fair enough after you’ve been dancing for 90 years… For more info: www.bathampton-morris-men.org.uk

South Yorkshire

Lord Conyers Morris Men
The Trysting Tree
Kiveton Lane, Todwick, S26 1JJ
May 1st, 5:30am
Dance style: Cotswold

This will be the 49th year that Lord Conyers Morris Men have been dancing up the sun on May Morning. Primarily a Cotswold Morris side, they have flirted in the past with clog dancing, longsword and Border Morris. Onlookers should head to the site of the Trysting Tree (coming out of Todwick towards Kiveton on Kiveton Lane just past the speed limit signs), where donations will be welcome but you definitely won’t be cajoled into waving a hanky in solidarity. See their Facebook event for more information.

Pecsætan and City Morris
Corker Lane
Dungworth, S6 6HA
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @pecsaetan

Pecsætan (Pec – suh – tan, named after an Anglo-Saxon tribe, meaning ‘dwellers of the Peak District’) and Sheffield City Morris (Ci-teh, named after… well, they’re from Sheffield) will be combining at their traditional dance spot just outside Dungworth, near Sheffield to see in the dawn. Usually attracting a fair crowd, the dancing is just for them but expect to join in a rousing chorus of Hal-An-Tow.


East Suffolk Morris Men
Felixstowe Beacon
May 1st, 5.15am
Dance Style: Cotswold

East Suffolk Morris Men welcome the May Morning sun (hopefully) as it rises over the English Channel. They’ll be accepting donations but prefer it if you just watch them do their thing. For more info: eastsuffolkmorris.com

Rumburgh Morris
Broome Common
Ditchingham, NR35 2NZ
May 1st, 5.20am
Dance style: Cotswold

After dancing the sun up at the Long Barrow on Broome Common, Rumburgh Morris will be ready for some breakfast, they tell us. You work up quite an appetite with this dancing malarkey apparently, so from the common, they’ll head to the Buttercross Cafe. They’ll be accepting donations, and welcome anyone wishing to have a go. For more information, see the Facebook event.


Ewell St Mary Morris Men with Kingston Spring Grove Morris and Rampant Rooster Morris
Box Hill Viewpoint
Box Hill, Tadworth, KT20 7LB
May 1st, 5.15am
Dance style: Cotswold

Kingston Spring Grove Morris, Rampant Rooster Morris and Ewell St Mary Morris Men join together for what’s sure to be another memorable May morning atop Box Hill as the sun rises over the Surrey’s National Landscape. For more information: www.ewellmorris.co.uk

Datchet Morris
Magna Carta Tearoom
Runnymede, Egham, TW20 0AE
May 1st, 5:30am
Dance style: Border
Insta: @DatchetMorris

Datchet Morris have been dancing at Runnymede since 1994, making this their 30th year in the same location – quite an achievement. Donations are welcome, and there’s no need to pick up the sticks yourself. Just watching and avoiding being clattered is fine. There’s parking on site but you’ll need to be past the barrier before 5.30am or you won’t get in. For more info: datchetmorris.org.uk

Pilgrim Morris
St Martha’s Hill, Chilworth
May 1st, 5.35am
Dance style: Cotswold

To join Pilgrim Morris on May Morning, you’re going to want to park in Halfpenny Land Car Park, pull out your compass, and walk east, uphill, for 1/2 mile, listening for the sound of bells and the voices of the Guildford Vox Community Choir carried on the wind. Donations will be accepted once you’ve watched them do their thing. If you can’t make May Day, and you’re in the area on May 4th, it must be worth making a visit to ‘Summerpole’, Guilford’s Summer Games. First recorded in the 16th century and revived by Pilgrim Morris in 1972, there’s sure to be much merrymaking and spectacle. For more information: http://www.pilgrimmorrismen.org.uk


Sweyn’s Ey Morris
King Arthur’s Stone
Cefyn Bryn, Swansea, SA3 2HL
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

Sweyn’s Ey will be dancing in the dawn at King Arthur’s Stone, a 25-ton capstone that sits majestically on top of Cefyn Bryn Common. For more info: sweynsey.co.uk


Isca Morris
The Keepers Pond
Abergavenny Road, Blaenavon
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @Isca_morris

Isca Morris will be dipping their toes into summer and dancing at the side of the pond. They’ll be in the company of Abergavenny’s wild cold water swimmers and “the amazing soulful folk singer Tom”. We have no further information about Tom! Donations are accepted and you’ll be invited to have a go. For more information: www.Iscamorris.co.uk


Flowers of Ilmington Morris
Larkstoke Hill
April 30th, 7.45pm
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @flowersofilmingtonmorris

Because one local side already have sunrise on May morning covered, Flowers of Ilmington Morris dance the sun down on 30th April, to encourage it to rise again on 1st May – and they haven’t failed yet! If you don’t fancy an early morning, this is the event for you. Everyone is welcome, and you won’t have to have a go, or anything like that. Park at the corner of Nebsworth Lane and Ebrington Hill and walk towards Mickleton Road to watch. See their Facebook page for more information.

The Traditional Ilmington Morris Dancers
Ilmington Downs
May 1st, 5.32am
Dance style: Cotswold

Once the sun has been danced down on April 30th, it’s up to The Traditional Ilmington Morris Dancers to encourage it to rise again at precisely 5.32am. Find them by heading our of Ilmington for a couple of miles on Campden Hill. They’ve been dancing on May Day for over 40 years, and choose the highest point in Warwickshire as their first point of call, before heading off on a tour of the village concluding with breakfast at The Howard Arms about 3 hours later. For more information: Ilmingtonmorrisman.org.uk

Shakespeare Morris
Bancroft Gardens
Waterside, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6BA
May 1st, 5.20am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @shakespeare1959

Shakespeare Morris will dance up the sun on the Bancroft Gardens in Stratford-upon-Avon, overlooking the River Avon – a tradition revived in the early 1980s. Bawdy Court records held by Holy Trinity Church in Stratford show Morris Dancers being fined for dancing on the Feast Day of St. Philip and St. James (May 1st) in the mid-1500s, but hopefully no such bad luck will befall this side, and their Jack in the Green. For more information: shakespearemorris.org.uk

West Midlands

Jockey Morris
Beacon Hill,
Lickey Hills, Birmingham B45 9QQ
May 1st, 5.15am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @jockeymorris1949

Jockey Morris will, as usual, dance up the dawn by Beacon Hills Castle and the troposcope. It’s one of the highest points within Birmingham, and surely, Jockey’s May Day dancing must be one of the highlights of the Brummie calendar (though there’s some stiff competition!), having featured in national newspapers and online around the world. No beast reported in the vicinity. See their Facebook event for more information.

Glorishears of Brummagem
Barr Beacon,
May 1st, 5.20am
Dance style: Cotswold

Birmingham’s premier women’s morris side will be dancing up the sun atop Barr Beacon. No donations necessary, so just take yourselves and perhaps a treat for making it up the hill. For more info: https://glorishears.wordpress.com

West Sussex

Worthing Larks
Worthing Promenade
Worthing, BN11 3PX
May 1st, 5.30am

Will you be up with the Larks on May morning? The Worthing Larks, that is! They’ll be on the seafront promenade by Worthing Pier, then on the pier (weather permitting) and then outside the Lido. They’ll be joined by their very own Larks, who’ll be partaking in a dance – that’s right, the Worthing Larks will be larking about with the Worthing Larks when they dance ‘Up With The Larks’ in Worthing. Got it? For more information: facebook.com/worthinglarks

Chanctonbury Ring Morris Men
Chanctonbury Ring
Washington, South Downs
May 1st, 6.30am
Dance style: Mumming

We love some hilltop May Morning action and the Chanctonbury Ring Morris Men will be welcoming the May from 240 metres up. If you join them, you’ll enjoy glorious views of Sussex in addition to their dancing, but fair warning, reports of a beast of noble heritage in the area have been submitted. Chanctonbury are the keepers of Georgian the Dragon, whose Mother was the Lyminster Dragon and Father the St Leonards Dragon. Donations welcome at any time. For more information, see the Facebook event.

Sompting Village Morris
May 1st, 7am
Dance style: Cotswold

Join Sompting Village Morris and their ‘oss for a massed dance alongside the river followed by a processional around the centre of the old town that’s designed especially for you to join in with. For more information: www.somptingvillagemorris.org.uk

Broadwood Morris Men
The Star Inn
Rusper, RH12 4RA
May 1st, 1.30pm
Dance style: Cotswold

Carrying the name of folksong collector and researcher Lucy Broadwood, the Broadwood Morris Men have been dancing through West Sussex since 1972. They’ll get up at a leisurely time in order to dance outside St Mary Magdelene Church at 1.30pm, followed by The Star Inn and The Frog and Nightgown in Faygate. For more info: broadwoodmorris.uk

West Yorkshire

Wharfedale Wayzgoose and Briggate Morris
Surprise View, Chevin Country Park
Otley, LS21 3DG
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Border
Insta: @wharfedale_wayzgoose

Wharfedale Wayzgoose are a mixed Border side and, by our calculations, have danced the May Day sun up on the Chevin for 30 years! Gloria the (“massive”) Goose is hoping to fly up the hill to join the fun this year. They’ll hopefully be joined by Briggate Morris and you, if you fancy having a go. To save a wild goose chase (see what we did there?), they advise you to park in the Surprise view car park, go up the steps at the top of the car park and turn left onto the Chevin. Walk along the gravelled path and follow the noise of bells and music to the viewing point. Come for the morris, stay for the scenery. For more information: https://wharfedale-wayzgoose.co.uk/

White Rose Morris Men
Castle Hill
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

Traditional dances from the local tradition were noted down in 1942 in the Fartown area of Huddersfield. White Rose Morris have since concentrated on keeping those traditions alive. They’ll be dancing up the May Morning sun this year, as they do every year, with no beasts and no audience participation reported in the vicinity. You can also catch them later in the day at St George’s Square. For more info: nicksites.net/WhiteRose

Buttercross Belles
Cross Green
Otley, LS21 1HD
May 1st, 6pm-7.30pm

The Buttercross Belles are inviting everyone to celebrate May Day in the traditional way, by having a go at Maypole dancing! There will be lots of opportunities to get involved, plus displays of Morris dancing. For more info, see the Facebook Event.


Malmesbury Morris
Malmesbury Cricket Club
Malmesbury, SN16 9JX
May 1st, 5am
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @malmesburymorris

Malmesbury Morris had their very first May Day dance out last year, and they must’ve had a good ‘un, because they’re getting up early again! They’ll be joined by their beast, Ethel, England’s very first Morris Dancing Jackdaw. That’s got to be worth getting out of bed for! If you like what they do, they’ll be accepting donations, and you’ll be invited to have a go if you’re a keen bean. For more info: www.malmesburymorris.org.uk

Sarum Morris
Old Sarum Castle
Salisbury, SP1 3SD
May 1st, 6.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

Join Sarum Morris to welcome the sun on May Day, as they’ve been doing at this location for over 20 years. They’ll be in their customary colours of white, gold and blue – the colours of the city of Salisbury – but you’ll probably want to wrap up warm against the morning chill. Donations are accepted, but no beasts will be getting up for the event. See their Facebook event for more information.


Pebworth Morris
Little Meadows
Pebworth, WR11 8JN
May 1st, 5:00am
Dance style: Cotswold

Starting at Little Meadow just outside the village of Pebworth to dance up the sun, Pebworth Morris will tour Pebworth & associated parishes of Dorsington and Broad Maston, before returning to their spiritual home at the Fleece Inn, Bretforton. After a hearty fry up and perhaps some liquid refreshment, they’ll dance up the pub’s neighbours then head off on their traditional mystery tour before returning to The Fleece in the early evening. Ben the Donkey may make an appearance, though we’re told he’s disinclined to head out in the rain so fingers crossed for a dry spell. For more information: andydavies0368.wixsite.com/pebworth-morris-men

Offenham Maypole Dancers, Belle d’Vain and Bow Brook Border Morris
Offenham Maypole
May 1st, 6pm

The Offenham Maypole stands at an impressive 64 feet tall, and will be being put to good use on the evening of May Day by the home team. They’ll be joined by two local Morris sides, making sure that Summer gets off to a good start. We’ve heard that the team from Sky’s ‘Weird Britain’ will be capturing the occasion on film (or some modern equivalent), so if you’re not local, look out for Offenham on your screens in the future. For more information: https://www.facebook.com/offenhamwake


Hong Kong

Hong Kong Morris
Central Star Ferry Pier
May 1st, 2.30pm
Dance style: Cotswold

Help Hong Kong Morris celebrate their 50th anniversary by joining them for a spot of May Day dancing at the Ferry Pier. They’re Asia’s oldest Morris side, dontcha know? See their Facebook Page for more information.


Australian Capital Territory

Surly Griffin Morris and Limestone Morris
Mount Ainslie
May 1st, 6.20am
Dance style: Border and Cotswold

Mount Ainslie, part of the Brindabella Range of mountains, will be the site of this May morning dance to herald the arrival of winter. You’ll need to head up to the summit, but don’t worry, you can drive all the way up! Donations will be accepted. For more info, check their Facebook page.


Jolley Hatters Morris
Mount Wellington summit
May 1st, 6.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

Head up to the top of the mountain in search of Jolley Hatters Morris and their audience of sunrise-seekers. They’ll entertain you for about an hour and don’t even ask for any donations, though you can offer your dancing services and have a go if you like. Be warned – it can be cold and breezy at the summit so dress appropriately. For more info, check their facebook page.


Brandragon Morris
All Nations Park
Northcote, Melbourne 3070
May 1st, 6am
Dance style: North West

Brandragon Morris will be dancing up the sun, which rises in Melbourne at 7am on May Day morning, to celebrate the arrival of summer in the Northern Hemisphere (which is very generous of them). They invite you to climb the hill at All Nations Park and say “Hi” (or…g’day…?). No donations are required but you’ll have the chance to have a go if you fancy it. For more info, see their Facebook Page.

Western Australia

Perth Morris Men, Mad Tatters, Marlee Morris and Fair Maids of Perth
War Memorial
Kings Park, Perth
May 1st, 5.50am
Dance style: Cotswold and Border
Insta: @marlee_morris_dancers

Many of the good morris folk of Perth meet before dawn near the War Memorial in Kings Park and start dancing, with Perth Morris Men on hosting duty. No beasts have been reported – far too early to get a horse out of its stable, we’re told. Afterwards, in an enviable display of Aussie-ness, they adjourn to another section of Kings Park for a barbecue breakfast. For more information: marleemorris.morris.org.au



Magpie Morris
Old Strathcona Gazebo
83 Ave NW & 104 St, Edmonton
May 1st, 5.50am
Dance style: Cotswold

This is your chance to join the Magpies as they gather in Old Strathcona at the Gazebo and dance in the dawn. In case you hadn’t checked, 5.50am is early and the sun won’t be up yet (obviously) so dress warmly. No beasts reported in the area, and no audience participation required. See their Facebook page for more information.

British Columbia

Vancouver Morris Men and Tiddley Cove Morris
Trimble Park
Point Grey, Vancouver
May 1st, 5:30am
Dance style: Mumming

For over 40 years, the Vancouver Morris Men have been active exponents of some of our curious English traditions all the way over there on the western edge of Canada, and this year will be no different. They’ll be up early to perform a mummers play, joined by their trusty obby oss, and friends Tiddley Cove Morris. How could you possibly miss it?! Donations gratefully received, as are enthusiastic onlookers (someone’s got to boo the play’s baddies, after all). For more information: vancouvermorrismen.org


Idylwild Morris
Jacob’s Landing
Hespeler Village, Cambridge
May 1st, 5.45am

Idylwild Morris will, once again, be dancing up the sun on the west side of Jacob’s Landing, and invite you to join them to welcome the summer. See the Facebook event for more information.



Ferrette Morris
Château du Landskron
10 Rue Annexe Tannwald, 68220 Leymen
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

To kick off their 20th year of dance, Ferrette Morris will be dancing the sun up at Landskron Castle on May Day morning, and they’re hoping for a May Day to remember. Meet at the castle car park at 5:30am and join the party as they walk through the dawn chorus up to the top of the bailey. There’s the chance to take in the magnificent views of the region from the top of the castle’s keep before ambling back down for a sumptuous full English breakfast, to which all attendees of the castle are welcomed with open arms. This sounds pretty idyllic!! See their Facebook event for more information.

New Zealand


City of Auckland Morris Dancers
Museum Forecourt Auckland Domain
May 1st, 7am
Dance style: Cotswold

These dancers have been performing Cotswold Morris for 40+ years (although they’re not averse to a little Border here and there, too). No beasts reported in the vicinity, and donations are not requested. Just bring your good selves. For more information: aucklandmorris.org.nz

United States of America


Maroon Bells Morris
Dickens Farm Nature Area
Boston Avenue, Longmont
May 1st, 5.45am
Dance style: Cotswold

Get up early for views of the Southern Rockies and, more importantly, Maroon Bells Morris doing their thing. They’ve got their fingers crossed for good weather, but wrap up warm if you’re going out to join them. They’ll be dancing for about an hour so plenty of time for breakfast before work! See their Facebook page for more information.


Mystic Garland Dancers
Connecticut College Campus
Mohegan Ave Pkwy, CT 06320
May 1st, 5:45am
Dance style: North West

The Mystic Garland Dancers are known for dancing the North West Morris clog tradition as well as garland dancing and ritual sword dances (so watch out). They’ll be dancing the sun up with the Westerly Morris Men. No donations are necessary but spectators are most welcome. For more information: sites.google.com/view/mysticgarland


Promontory Point
Hyde Park, South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago
May 1st, 5am
Dance style: Border

Your friendly neighbourhood morris dancers have been practising all year for this, and no they invite you to join and welcome the summer. They’ll dance until they’re sure the sun’s definitely not going straight back down, then lead the crowd in some tradition songs before retreating for breakfast at Valois. See their Facebook event for more information.


Foggy Bottom Morris Men and Rock Creek Morris Women
Takoma Park Gazebo,
Takoma Park
May 1st, 6am
Dance style: Cotswold

As is their wont, the Foggy Bottom Morris Men will be dancing out with the Rock Creek Morris Women to not only see up the sun, but for a bit of a morris tour, too. Are these the only state-hopping May Day Morris sides on our list?! They’ll dance at the gazebo, have a bit of a break, then head to the Roscoe the Rooster statue in downtown Takoma Park, before finishing up at Union Market in Washington DC. It’ll be a great way to start the day! For more info: fbmm.org


Newtowne Morris
John W. Weeks Bridge
Cambridge, 02163
May 1st, 5.30am
Dance style: Cotswold

Celebrating 50 years of service to summer this year, Newtowne Morris once again invite you to wake up the summer on May Day. You can expect morris dancing, Maypole winding, and traditional May Day songs to help ensure that the sun keeps shining for at least another year. The Newtowne asian unicorn (Ki-Lin) often appears, along with other unicorns or hobby beasts and green people. For more information: newtowne.org

Ten Hill Morris
Davis Square
Somerville, MA, 02144
May 1st, 6.30pm
Dance style: Cotswold
Insta: @tenhillmorris

Not fancying the early morning get-up, Ten Hill Morris will be dancing on May Day evening around Davis Square outside of Boston. They’ll be accepting donations, but you won’t be asked to have a go at Ten Hill’s take on the Oddington tradition. For more information: tenhillmorris.com


Uptown on the Lakes Morris, Minnesota Traditional Morris, Bells of the North Morris, Ramseys Braggarts Morris, and Bracelberry Morris
East 36th Street and West River Parkway
May 1st, 6.02am
Dance style: Cotswold

Are you in the Twin Cities area and want to see more Morris sides than you would be wise to shake a stick at? Head down to the river to catch not only Uptown on the Lakes, but also (breathes in) Minnesota Traditional Morris, Bells of the North, The Braggarts, and Brackleberry. Sure to be an impressive gathering of the local Morris community – in fact, we’re told it’s the largest Morris gathering in Minnesota!


The Capering Roisters and The River Rats
The Jewel Box
Forest Park, St Louis
May 1st, 6am
Dance style: Cotswold and Border

Meet me in St Louis, Louis, meet me in St Louis… Actually, not me. Meet The Capering Roisters and The River Rats at the Jewel Box for a dawn dance. You can have a go if you fancy, and donations won’t be sought.


River Way Morris
Sound of Music Trail
Lincoln Hills, Missoula
May 1st, 6am
Dance style: Cotswold

Get out early and find the mysterious River Way Morris on the Sound of Music Trail early on May morning. They’ll let you have a go if you ask nicely.


Renegade Rose Morris
Salmon Street Springs
SW Naito Parkway, Portland
May 1st, 5.30am

Renegade Rose Morris are on the early shift for dancing up the sun in Oregon. You’re warmly invited to join them – arrive when it’s dark and watch the spectacle! That could be the sunrise or the dancing – you can decide… See their Facebook Page for more information.

Two Rivers Morris
Alton Baker Park
Eugene, Lane County
May 1st, 5.45am
Dance style: Border

Head on over to the Sun at the Solar System model to find Two Rivers Morris dancing the sun up. See their Facebook Page for more information.

Two Rivers on May Day 2023. Photo from Facebook.


Renegade Morris and Kingsessing Morris
Belmont Plateau
Fairmont Park, 1800 Belmont Mansion Drive, Philadelphia
May 1st, 6am
Dance style: Cotswold

Two morris sides and their fools will be dancing the sun up overlooking the city skyline. You’re welcome to join this community celebration in Fairmount Park, which includes singing and a participatory Maypole dance. It’s quite a big park but as the event is usually well-attended, look out for the early morning crowds! For more information: https://renegademorris.com

Rhode Island

Ladies of the Rolling Pin
The Towers
Narragansett Beach
May 1st, 5.40am
Dance style: Border
Insta: @ladiesoftherollingpin

The Ladies of the Rolling Pin will be cooking up a storm on the waterfront this May Morning and invite you to join them – it’s sure to be a recipe for a good time! There’ll be spectacular views as the sun rises over the ocean and “uniquely effervescent” to entertain you if it’s cloudy. The dancing is followed by a pot-luck community breakfast. For more information: www.ladiesoftherollingpin.wordpress.com


SeaWitch, Sound and Fury Morris and Mossyback Morris Men
Gasworks Park, Seattle
May 1st, 5:30am
Dance style: Cotswold

Welcoming brand-new side SeaWitch to the May Day Morris directory! They’ll be joining friends, singers and assorted beasts for the annual May morning dance out in Gasworks Park. Look out for Finn the salmon and Ogo Pogo the lake monster. No donations necessary.

Sound and Fury morris dancing in Washington with their beast, Finn the salmon.
Sound and Fury Morris dancing with Finn the salmon. Pic via their website.