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Bampton Morris side - May Day Morris callout

May Day Morris callout

Help us create a directory of May Day Morris dances so that people can find their way to dancing the sun up somewhere locally.

Earlier this year we put together the beginnings of our wassailing directory, collating wassails across the country. This month we need your help to collate a May Day Morris Dancing Directory, helping people to find their nearest Morris Dance event as the big day arrives.

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Fill out the questionnaire below. It shouldn’t take you more than five minutes.
  2. Share this page with anyone you know who may be dancing out and would like more people to know about it.

We hope to post the full directory by mid-April, giving time for people to make arrangements, so please fill out your details and spread the word as soon as you can. Make sure you sign up to the Tradfolk newsletter in order to hear about the directory once it’s published.

Many thanks,
The Tradfolk Team

May Day Morris questionnaire

Please fill out the following questionnaire and hit submit when you’ve finished everything. We promise to only use your data for the creation of our Morris Dancing articles. If there is anything you don’t want to include, simply skip that question (but remember that the more info you can provide, the more comprehensive the directory will be).