Rediscover the 19th-century dahlia craze at Stonehenge. Dive into its history and the grand return of the Stonehenge Dahlia Shows in 2023.
Customs, Rituals and Traditions
Discover traditional folk customs, rituals and traditions on the website. From wassailing to Yule, and the arc of the year in-between.
In 1992, Britpop band, Blur, found time in the studio to record 'The Gloucestershire Wassail'. Here's the story of how it came to pass.
Ready to start wassailing? Not even sure what wassailing is? Here's everything you need to know to get a good wassail going.
Soak your toast in cider, grab your pans and wooden spoons, and head out into your nearest orchard to awaken the sleeping trees and wassail the evil spirits away.
What’s the most widespread tradition in the British Isles? A couple of centuries ago, it would probably have been something...
They're hard to avoid at Christmas time, but what makes a carol a carol? Where do Christmas carols come from, and why do we love them so much? Rachel Wilkinson explores.
Most readers of Tradfolk will be able to reel off a host of folk customs, even if they have never...
Make sure you list your local wassail in the forthcoming Tradfolk Wassail Directory, 2023/2024. We're taking submissions now.
Crowdfunding campaign announced as we present exclusive first trailer for a new documentary on Britain's greatest folklorist.
Looking for evidence of the rebirth of the wassail? Not that it ever went away, but here's a collection of some of the most atmospheric new images we've seen on Instagram this year.
Everything you ever wished to know about the long-surviving custom, beating the bounds, but were too afraid to ask.
Meet Douglas Kell, occasional Whittlesea Straw Bear and the latest director of the Straw Bear Festival, and find out what it means to be one of the UK's most-loved folk icons.